Morning Sunsets and Evening Dawns
Hello! As of right now this site is very much a work in progress, and I haven't done any HTML in 8 years... so it's going to take some time.
I can't wait to get back into it though! Be sure to check back later on as I figure out what I want and how to set it all up.
In the meantime, I can (regretfully) be found here..
Here's a picture of my goat to enjoy since you're excusing my mess:
Some early site ideas?:
- I love music, so probably some of my favorites, and if I'm feeling bold maybe some of my own stuff as well.
- I write a lot, and I've always wanted a livejournal blog like the cool kids but my mom wouldn't have liked it. So maybe I'll do something similar here?
- I'm sure plenty more as they come to me, this is more a fun starting hobby for right now and not anything serious.
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